Sunday, 14 November 2010

Images I didn't use

These are the two images I planned to use on my finished board but I didn't. I'm not happy about that because I think they are really good images. I photoshopped 6 images to use on my board but eventually decided not to use these two. In photoshop I made the image black and white, and kept the heart coloured. I also used photoshop to make the models clothes look less bulky and make them stand out more from the background. I used it to get rid of things that didn't fit in with the photographs like the path or the man on a bench in the background.

I took a few different shots of each different pose and picked out the best ones. Then I decided which six I wanted to use in my final piece of work and altered them in photoshop.

I decided not to do this in the end

I just thought that I could have put captions under each of my images describing what they are about, like the heading of a newspaper article. But I'm not very good at thinking up things like that and it might not look right once I'd done it so I decided not to. I think they look good on the board without any writing.

Board Layout

I have had several ideas for how my board should be laid out. I am definitely not using the photo where the models head has been cut off. I have noticed on one of my images that the heart is a slightly different colour so I'm not sure if it will work with the others. I think this is a pity since in my opinion it is one of the best images that I've done. Anyway I've tried it out and I'm not sure it works so I won't use it.

I have tried different layouts using the board as a portrait and as a landscape. I think the landscape one works better so that is the one I have decided to use.

 I have laid out the photos in a way that I think will be eye-catching to anyone looking at my board.

My favourite idea is this one. The close-up of the heart is positioned in the top left-hand corner of the board so it catches the eye of anyone looking at the images then the eye will travel down and across my images as though it was reading.

Last Minute Problem!

I've just got my photographs back from the printers today. I had six images printed because for my finished piece of work I planned to mount all of the images on an A2 board, like a story board. But when I got home I looked at my photos and noticed that in one of the images, my models head had been cut off! This is a serious problem since I have to hand my finished work in tomorrow. I don't want to include the image where the models head is missing, so I will have to rethink the layout of my images.

Saturday, 13 November 2010


I've done my photoshoot now. I actually did it a couple of days ago. They weather was really good on the day of the photoshoot. The models were ready on time. Everything went really well at first. I got the first few shots done without any problems. I had planned to do my photoshoot in two diffeerent locations but just before the last couple of poses my camera stopped working. I tried putting new batteries in it and carried on with the photoshoot but the camera kept turning itself off. I went to a shop and got another type of batteries and it seemed to work. It was going to be dark soon so we moved on to the second location. That didn't work as well as I would have liked it to. The pavement was very narrow so I had to keep running across the road to take the photographs. Then people kept walking in front of the models and cars kept driving past and getting in the way. I think the poses were very good but the wall was too low on the photographs. I definitely preferred the shots I did in the park.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Trying things out

Before my photoshoot I tried a couple of ideas out in my flat with the models. They didn't mind being tied up with red tape so I tried that out. I think it looked quite interesting. In the photos they are wearing the clothes they are wearing for the actual photoshoot. I just asked them to wear their own clothes and do their make up as they normally would for the photoshoot because I wanted it to look as natural as possible. In the actual photoshoot though, they will be wearing coats and gloves etc, as we will be doing it outside and it will be cold. I think it is better if they wear their coats anyway because this will make it look more natural as well. For my theme of friendship I want them to look like two friends having fun with the red tape and the heart. I want it to look as though they could still be doing what they are doing even if I wasn't there with the camera, even though they probably wouldn't.

Making the heart 2

I've been so busy sorting out stuff for my photoshoot for the past couple of days I completely forgot about my blog! Now I've got my photoshoot done (more or less) I can relax a bit and catch up with my blog. I finally finished making the heart for my photoshoot.
It turned out a bit flimsy, which I am a bit dissapointed about, but that won't show on my photoshoot. I think it looks quite good apart from that though. It turned out too big at first so i had to cut it down a bit. I think it was a good idea but I'm worried about the red not showing up very well on the photos.